Friday, August 23, 2013

leave your body and soul at the door...

Mornings I hate them.

They start off with the usual, gather clothes, find compression socks use rest room, take 12-14 pills, three of them painkillers and ends with feeling miserable for the next couple of hours, But fear not, I am only REALLY miserable for long enough for the nausea of the pain meds to wear off, which usually means its getting close to my next dose.
Ever feel like Spawn? I take my meds, and I keep hearing John Legizamo’s voice in my head going, ‘Want to stay sane this too can be yours for the measly price of your immortal soul and a butt load of pain.’ In my case it is a stomach load of pain, but I am sure the colon would play if the bigger organs would let it. Instead it sits in the corner with the game boy version of “operation” and plays to lose.
I have not had any clowns from hell showing up to claim the soul yet though, must be missing something.
This is what my wife calls a morning page, a little bit of written joy I spread first thing in the morning to help my writing. If I get good enough I get to graduate to morning squires. Or if I work hard and continue to eat my 13 pills in the morning I could end up a morning knight and have a morning monologue consisting of
“Blah blah blah, 11th order of the franzian, blah blah, Zodiac is a beta male, two men honestly get colonoscopies together is what this game is about”
Betcha thought after 12 or 13 years I would have forgotten how to bash on JW. Nope. We are now just ghosts of amtgarians past.
This morning it’s to the pain clinic, to get my morning lecture, or so. Nothing to review yet so I shall just say how I feel this morning, pain lots and lots of it, followed by a pain chaser. All because I am very convincing and my liver (being a part of me) convinced other organs that going on strike at the same time was a good idea. My liver is pro-union and uses its own version of union thugs to get its way. Right now they are using my blood internally to write their protest signs, but they forgot as a group who they were supposed to be protesting. I keep telling them that they are supposed to protest the end of warehouse13, but they are not likening to me, I am the man and they don’t listen to the man.

Ill yap more later, but the first thing I can honestly say about this illness is it is breaking my mind with pain.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

So Be thankful of your grease paint clown if loneliness wears the crown of the veteran cosmic rocker.

What makes me think that James Hetfield is standing over my head when I lay in my bed, and then get beaten up by Yo Yo ma, and pushed down the hall, to be rolled down the stairs. A 1.5 inch  by 1.5 inch box that a friend brought over, saying it showed up delivered and she was dropping off a doll for my wife (yes my wife collects dolls)
I am waiting for my over the ear set to arrive but this afternoon, the ear buds from MEZE showed up from Romania that I ordered. I got both so I could have one to speak with (phone) as we as one for serious listening.
Just for my own personal rating and knowledge ect, I consider myself very knowledgeable about sound, and music in general. Been in everything from garage bands to opera productions, (I like musical theater and I am straight, and married – yes we do exist) Got out of dealing with the industry because I could not get away from folks who keep push drugs at me, so I left to go join the mindless world of computer repair server repair and office politics. Can’t tell which is worse actually.
I use a HP phoenix system and Beats by dre software and hardware for quality control, But the real questions are not for audio perfectionists the real questions are for the folks I know, would you drop this money on this, for me is this what I would be happy with as my last pair of ear buds in my life. So let’s look at the earphones a bit.

They are 8MM speakers, and the sound quality my initial sleep deprived dream state I was in made everything sound warmer than I thought the songs should sound. Not harsh enough. However I slowly woke up and examined these a bit more. They are EXTREMELY detail driven, so let’s start with the first thing, I can WEAR them. Ear buds and I have a hate/hate relationship, which is why I try to avoid them like I try and avoid knights meetings I know my ex-wife will be in. Both the pressure of the pads, and the sharpness of the sounds RIGHT in my ear, make even the best IMHO prior to this (Bose NR) a painful experience.
These were none of these things. At a high enough volume to listen to OLD Metallica, they never reach that point of pain, and the pad are fairly comfortable even after several hours of use.
The phone jack quality is excellent, being able to hear folks I need to hear better and they can hear me better than I am used too. The cabling is covered by small rope; some folks don’t like the texture, I like that makes it hard on my cats to play “eat the headphone”. The biggest difference is the ebony (IE wood) that makes up the case. Feels and looks great, but not positive that it will affect the sound as much as on its bigger cousins. I do know that I have other buds in the house and this one blows them all away.
They come with a nice travel case, and some nice if discreet company logo’s on the phones.

I paid 70$ from the site directly. I hear there are only 11 workers in the company total and they ONLY do internet sales.
They are billed as Audiophile headphones, but given a hard time for not costing 5k the “the Abyss” (yeas real pair of head phones” As I said the 11’s got here today that cost me 70$ everything sounds wonderfully crisp. But does not have the distortion, or false push of the bass, that we are expecting from any normal set of phones.
You can see the company information on them here
And now we get to my question. Am I willing to look at these as my last pair I will ever have, if that happens.
Well, I paid full price, got no discount, or anything like that. There were really no options with them, just the headphones, and lots of little bits. It takes forever to get through customs so you can’t really track them in shipping. And they are EAR buds, and I hates us yess prescious, we Hates Ear budsss…

Would I want these as I understand things about them, for the rest of my life, no matter how long that is?
Absolutely yes. These are the best sounding phones I have EVER heard Ever. This includes ones I used in studio session. Nothing like them and these are the EAR BUDS. Not even the full head phones. I got 9 messages to random questions answering everyone fully from the company whenever I asked.  These by all rights appear to a set of ear buds made by folks who really love music. All of it, and that it be pure, not force cleaned by the settings in the speaker. To be frank I prefer even these Buds (still trying to get over that part) than Bose’s noise reduction big phones, and “Adagio with Strings” by Samuel barber, well, hell I bet that listening with these would sound better than being physically there.. Not cheap at 70$ but that cannot detract from how good they sound, which is the really only important thing about ear phones.
Yes I keep these forever and they are first on my review lists, If the 88’s are better than these, ill probably have a heart attacks, just to be SURE they are the last pair I own.

My hats off to you Antonio Meze, and thank you. 

Here Comes the Razors Edge.

Note at the end of each review, Ill post the list of music I used for the title. 

I have been really lucky of late with some excellent buys. Considering my condition, I have little to do, and like today feel so horrible, from the need of the transplant, it’s been a welcome task to get to examine a few things and try to say “are theses good enough for them to literally being the last pair I will ever own.
I consider myself an amateur or hobbyist level when it comes to cooking, so this will all be stand use stuff.
For our firs posting let’s talk about the Ergo chef  knife collection. I recently got 3 of the Knuckle sandwich collection from Guy Fieri , and today ordered the last two big one’s I did not have already from (should just give you a hint there. I have the paring knife, the 5.5 and 8.5 chef knifes. Presentation in the box was colorful, perfect for someone who cared about how the knives themselves were going to look. And the black and red design on the knives themselves was also top notch, again for folks concerned with looks over function.
I however am not one of those people. I work in my spare time or worked anyway at a custom sword store, called Angel Sword. Without a doubt I my mind they produce the best looking blades in the world, cooking or otherwise. They also run upwards of 5000 in some cases, versus the 10-15$ a piece I paid for the Ergo chef pieces. I will point out here that they are artistic one of a kind pieces, so are not in the same category, and I got the ergo chef knives for rough 80% off, waiting for sales. So me not being impressed with a very nice looking set of knives when I am used to handling exotic hardwoods rather than well enameled metal, I can forgive Ergo chef that detail.
So back to the knife itself. It’s a perfectly stunning cooking knife. It molded to my hand and for the size weighted just what I needed it to for speed chopping it was as far as I can (layman about a lot of stuff, and cooking hobbyist is me remember?) balanced just as I needed to for fine chopping and heavy enough for the regular one to break bone without me damaging the edge. (incidentally one of the two more I just ordereded was a cleaver itself)
My wife also loved the feel of the blades, and even my Uncle R_ made positive comments about them (that is not something he Does)

They cut fine and constant, able the get thicknesses that I am unable to do myself with and of the other knife I have had out of the box.

And they were 70-80% off of normal cost (lord bless WWW.Woot.Com)
While there is a crusher built into the end of the handle its mostly useless being to small on all three of the blades to matter.

So they do about everything I can reasonable expect from a kitchen knife, and each perform their function properly. Thanks to careful shopping They are WAY less on the cost level than you would normally see and for a chefs knife that costs less than what I would get at Wal-Mart, they are fantastic. I liked them enough to order a meat cleaver and a GP multifunction knife as well.

But the big question is are they the last set of knives I could ever want.

No. I don’t get steak knives with them, to get a prepackaged full set it too expensive, plainer knives would work about as well, and in a bad paraphrase of mega man I think, “Ze Stars! The stars, Zehy do nutting!!!” the added colorful effect designed to appeal to the hip crowd do nothing to improve the quality, or function

Realistically these may be the last set of cooking knives I own anyway but, I know there is a better balanced set if we are talking normal prices. At Woot’s prices however, forget it, they are the best thing since being able to slice bread.

There is no love untouched by hate.

Hi I am David and I have a terminal liver disorder, combined with multiple organ failures and the like. several attached diagnosis, one far more deadly than the liver failure.. OK great we got that out of the way, and we can move on.

This is a blog I have where I will mostly talk about thing in the vein of "If it ended today, was getting a or doing b or reading c worth being the last one I ever have/do ect." am I willing to live with X knowing this could be the end any time. Ill eventually get to what kind of medical issues there are and what things I have done in my past.ect, but its mostly going to be built around the debt and buying of things, was this hot fudge sunday worth being the last one I ever get I also will sometimes post how does on crafts I know, and cooking things

I hope you who are taking the to read this, enjoy it, or learn something from it.