Thursday, August 22, 2013

There is no love untouched by hate.

Hi I am David and I have a terminal liver disorder, combined with multiple organ failures and the like. several attached diagnosis, one far more deadly than the liver failure.. OK great we got that out of the way, and we can move on.

This is a blog I have where I will mostly talk about thing in the vein of "If it ended today, was getting a or doing b or reading c worth being the last one I ever have/do ect." am I willing to live with X knowing this could be the end any time. Ill eventually get to what kind of medical issues there are and what things I have done in my past.ect, but its mostly going to be built around the debt and buying of things, was this hot fudge sunday worth being the last one I ever get I also will sometimes post how does on crafts I know, and cooking things

I hope you who are taking the to read this, enjoy it, or learn something from it.

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