Friday, August 23, 2013

leave your body and soul at the door...

Mornings I hate them.

They start off with the usual, gather clothes, find compression socks use rest room, take 12-14 pills, three of them painkillers and ends with feeling miserable for the next couple of hours, But fear not, I am only REALLY miserable for long enough for the nausea of the pain meds to wear off, which usually means its getting close to my next dose.
Ever feel like Spawn? I take my meds, and I keep hearing John Legizamo’s voice in my head going, ‘Want to stay sane this too can be yours for the measly price of your immortal soul and a butt load of pain.’ In my case it is a stomach load of pain, but I am sure the colon would play if the bigger organs would let it. Instead it sits in the corner with the game boy version of “operation” and plays to lose.
I have not had any clowns from hell showing up to claim the soul yet though, must be missing something.
This is what my wife calls a morning page, a little bit of written joy I spread first thing in the morning to help my writing. If I get good enough I get to graduate to morning squires. Or if I work hard and continue to eat my 13 pills in the morning I could end up a morning knight and have a morning monologue consisting of
“Blah blah blah, 11th order of the franzian, blah blah, Zodiac is a beta male, two men honestly get colonoscopies together is what this game is about”
Betcha thought after 12 or 13 years I would have forgotten how to bash on JW. Nope. We are now just ghosts of amtgarians past.
This morning it’s to the pain clinic, to get my morning lecture, or so. Nothing to review yet so I shall just say how I feel this morning, pain lots and lots of it, followed by a pain chaser. All because I am very convincing and my liver (being a part of me) convinced other organs that going on strike at the same time was a good idea. My liver is pro-union and uses its own version of union thugs to get its way. Right now they are using my blood internally to write their protest signs, but they forgot as a group who they were supposed to be protesting. I keep telling them that they are supposed to protest the end of warehouse13, but they are not likening to me, I am the man and they don’t listen to the man.

Ill yap more later, but the first thing I can honestly say about this illness is it is breaking my mind with pain.

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